Sunday, 11 December 2011

clothes show live

on wednesday (7th of december), me, lauren and the rest of the girls (all girls this year, usually we have the odd boy that gets dragged along by his girl mates, ahem, liam) that do gcse / alevel textiles at my school went to clothes show live at the birmingham nec. it's always a good day out, even if the 2.5 hour coach trip there and back makes you feel ill, but this year it was especially good. we had our economic heads on and i managed to spend only £50 (a record for me) and come away with much more than i've ever done before.

me and lauren on the coach there. can you believe that this was the most sane picture we took?

other than the amazing shopping opportunities, part of the clothes show live experience is going to see a half-hour fashion / dance show before we leave. this is the third year i've been and george lamb has hosted this show every time, but this year we had a second host in the shape of 'britain & ireland's next top model' judge, grace woodward.

those who watched this years series of the x factor will be familiar with the barlow-manufactured boyband 'the risk'. they made a little guest appearance to sing a song that i didn't know.

who doesn't love a large group of attractive men in their underwear? we couldn't complain.

'britain & ireland's next top model' winner jade was one of the models for this years show. lauren absolutely adores her and i made it my mission to get a good photo of her. for most of the show i was holding my camera in position, constantly focusing and re-focusing, going "is she coming up yet? is that her? that's her, right? in the gold jacket? i'm gonna get her this time!"

a rather attractive male model ending the show with a little runway dance, accompanied by jade from b&intm and kimberley wyatt, former pussycat doll and now a member of 'her majesty and the wolves', who also performed.

i filmed a lot of the live show in between taking pictures and the footage is now up on youtube. x

p.s. a clothes show haul will be up in the next few days. :) x

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